MainPoint – Redizajn i optimizacija postijećeg sajta

MainPoint – Redesign and optimization of the existing website


The MainPoint Institute is involved in the education and preparation of individuals and corporate teams and helps them to improve their skills, which include public speaking.

Main goal
To redesign the website to be fast, clear, and modern-looking.
A high-quality and fast bilingual website that this institute can proudly stand behind.
Approximate price
The price of such a project ranges from 1800 to 2400 euros depending on the complexity.
MainPoint - Cilj platforme

Goal of the platform and initial requirements

To improve the online presence of this institute through a website redesign, to improve performance and optimize for mobile devices, to do technical SEO, and to add English as a second language.

Our team was hired to do the entire website from scratch in order to improve its performance and user interface.

MainPoint - Najveći izazovi

Biggest challenges

  1. To redesign the website to be modern, but to remain recognizable to their existing clients.
  2. To implement a custom design and clean code without using a website builder.
  3. To fix the poor user interface and make the site clearer and easier to use.
  4. Optimizing the site for better performance and speed.
  5. Implementing the option to translate the website into multiple languages.

What was done

A professional website with an improved user interface that is in line with the company’s branding was created.

Unique design

For such a serious institute, it is necessary to create a unique design adapted to this type of activity, but which remains recognizable to their existing clients.

Improvement of UX/UI design

Working on improving the user experience and visual identity of the site to make it easier for potential customers to navigate.

Multilingual support

Adding the option to translate the site into multiple languages to attract users from different countries and expand the market reach.

Improving the loading speed of the site

Optimizing the site through file minification, image compression, and caching to further improve loading speed and site performance.

Analysis and optimization of SEO content

A detailed analysis of the keywords that the target audience searches for most often was carried out, as well as adaptation of the content to better match those queries.


Reliable website

MainPoint now has a fast, secure, optimized, and technically SEO-ready website that meets all of their needs.

SEO optimized

The website is responsive, mobile-friendly, and optimized for all search engines.

Better control over the site

The unique design solution has enabled better control over the site, as well as easier implementation of any changes in the future.
MainPoint - Naredni koraci

Next steps

  1. Monitoring the performance of the site and analyzing visitors to identify potential problems or opportunities for further improvement.
  2. Developing new functionalities that will further improve the user experience and meet the needs of the client.
  3. Continuous maintenance of the website to ensure stability, security, and optimal speed.
  4. Implementation of marketing activities to increase the visibility of the site and attract new users.

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